Following the launch of the new Jordan Marlow loudspeakers, press coverage has been popping up around the globe.
We were pleased to see mentions on respected UK websites such as The Audiophile Man and The Ear but even more gratified to see news about our new loudspeakers appearing as far afield as France, the Netherlands, Hungary, the US, Australia and Vietnam. It’s a testament to Ted Jordan’s reputation and the number of customers we already have around the globe.
This article on French website On Magazine gives a nice history of the company and Ted’s work which led up to the Eikona and Marlow speakers. (Yes, it’s mostly from our own website but they were interested enough to explore and give it some context.)
By pure serendipity, an article about the Marlows has also appeared in the August issue of Hi-Fi News & Record Review. This is the world’s oldest hi-fi magazine, first published in the UK in 1956 and renowned for its technical expertise.
Earlier this year, Steve Harris interviewed EJ Jordan’s managing director, Colin Shelbourn, about the Marlow speakers, asking what sparked the idea of producing them and the development path we were taking prior to the launch.
Steve places the Marlows in context with the famous BBC LS3/5a, which inspired us to begin exploring what our full-range Eikona speaker would achieve in a similar type of cabinet.
The August issue of Hi-Fi News is in the shops now and also available from the HFN&RR back issues service.
The next stage of any hi-fi launch is, of course, reviews. Keep an eye on our website and sign up to our newsletter for the latest news.