E J Jordan

E J Jordan

high fidelity loudspeakers

EJ Jordan Loudspeakers

“If I were not a professional reviewer, I might marry this fetching full-range speaker, settle down, and live happily ’til death do us part.” – Herb Reichert, Stereophile


EJ Jordan loudspeakers have been bringing natural sound to music lovers worldwide for over 40 years.

Our wideband driver technology is advanced, refined and exclusive to us. It was developed by legendary loudspeaker engineer Ted Jordan to do just one thing – reproduce music as faithfully as possible.

EJ Jordan Marlow and Greenwich loudspeakers are compact designs that are traditional in appearance but very modern in technology. They use the high resolution Jordan Eikona wideband drive units in beautiful, critically-damped cabinets to produce a sound that is engaging, immersive and, above all, musical. Visit the Reviews page to see what some of the world’s most respected publications think of them.

Our loudspeakers are available direct from us. We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and service and have hundreds of satisfied customers around the globe.

“So how would I summarise my impressions of the Greenwich loudspeakers? … they exceeded all other loudspeakers in my system in creating a seamless soundscape.” – Paul Schumann, EnjoyTheMusic.com


Roy Gregory reviews the Jordan Greenwich

As part of a longer exploration of the benefits of full-range drivers, highly-respected UK reviewer Roy Gregory has just published an in-depth review of the Greenwich. Click this link to read it in full.

Marlow EV Review

Our new Marlow EV has received a Highly Recommended rating from Howard Milstein at The Sound Advocate, who went on to say  “… the sound was smooth, natural, and exceedingly accurate in its frequency response with exceptionally precise stereo imaging aspects. You could pinpoint each singer in the soundscape as well as the orchestral instruments behind them.” To read the full review, click here.

Greenwich – Enjoy The Music review

Enjoy The Music magazine in the US reviewed. Read more on our blog by clicking here.