One of the more unusual projects we’ve been involved with this year has been an two-way Aurora 400 system.
The initial enquiry came from a long-standing Jordan customer who was using one of Ted’s Linear Array designs. Each array consisted of four JXR6HD units crossed over to a JX150 Jordan bass system.
The electronic crossover was custom-designed by the customer and BBC engineer and is a first-order design, -3dB point at 275Hz. Our customer was intrigued by Ted’s claim that the Aurora reflector loudspeaker produces better stereo than the already superb imaging of the Linear Array.
As with all the Jordan Aurora designs, the cabinet was bespoke. Our customer chose contrasting veneers for the cabinet and reflector, an effect which is both striking and attractive.
The Aurora 400 takes the place of the Linear Array and is wall-mounted just above the bass enclosure. As sensitivity of the Auroras is lower than the array, gain adjustment of the crossover was needed to equalise the frequency response of the entire speaker system.
Our customer has connections to the audio industry and is a very critical listener so it was gratifying to receive his comments on the Aurora 400 system:
“I’m impressed by the Aurora performance as bass reflex full-range speakers but as I don’t need the bass frequencies, I can put in much more stuffing than would work with a bass reflex design … “
“Impressions of the Aurora speakers is that they are better than the line array … the Auroras are quite special; very clean … they have better presence than the JXR6HD line array, so I’m impressed with the sound!”
For more details of the Jordan Auroras, see here.