Medieval sound

Soundscape – the sound of the environment around us – is becoming a popular field for exploration. Whether it is the hum of the city or forest birdsong, there are numerous examples around the web for you to explore and enjoy.

But it is not only modern soundscapes which are the subject of research.

Dr Mariana Lopez of the University of York Film & Music Department recreated the soundscape of 16th century York as part of the UK’s Being Human Festival.

The soundscapes included church bells, animals, music – the sort of soundscape you would have encountered if you had wandered the streets of York during one of the Mystery Plays some time during the 15th and 16th centuries.

The installation ran in Bedern Hall in York between 18-21 November 2016. Click here for full details. There will be a stereo version of it on the University of York website soon.